Sunday, May 13, 2012

Reading Post 8

This week I read another 110 pages of Born at Midnight. Like I said last week, its chick lit, but I like it. Instead of having only vampires or werewolves, it has vampires, werewolves, witches, ghost whisperers and fairies, oh my! Its about a girl who is sent to a camp for juvenile delinquents, but when she gets there, she discovers its really a camp for supernatural teenagers. She happens to be one, but she doesn’t know it yet. Maybe a little suspension of disbelief? I mean, I don’t know about you, but I imagine that if I were a vampire, I would probably know it. Aren’t they supposed to die if they don’t drink blood anyway?

Reading Post 7

Sorry this post is a little late, I was sick last week and forgot to post. But during that time I was sick, I did lots of reading! I decided to take a break from Eon until school gets out, just because it’s the kind of book that you have to sit down and read for an hour minimum. I never really have that much of a block of time, so I end up reading ten pages and getting really confused where the plot left off from last time I read. So anyway, this week I read 180 pages of Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter. Its pretty hard core chick lit. Not usually my thing, but I thought I’d give it a chance.