Monday, March 26, 2012

Exercise 3

I pretty much clicked on random links that came up when I hit the review button on Teenread's website. The reviews I came across include Wither by Lauren DeStafano, Try Not to Breathe by Jennifer R. Hubbard, and . Chomp by Carl Hiaaser. I'm glad I read the review for Wither, it made me really want to read the book! All of the reviews begin with a long plot summary, generally the kind of stuff you'd read on the back of a book cover to see if you want to read it or not. They also contained a small amount of commentary about the author, like "She obviously did her research..." or "She succeeds in writing the story from a male viewpoint." Some of the reviews also said what kind of people would like the book, or posted warnings about inappropriate material. When writing our own reviews, it may be a good idea to compare the book to other books that people may have read already.

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