Sunday, March 18, 2012

Reading Log / Reading Goals

My reading goals for this quarter:

1) Finish at least three books. I have a problem with finishing books. Generally, unless I particularly love a book, I only read half of it. So I shall try to read three books from cover to cover!

2) Read one literary/classic novel. I think I'll try Wuthering Heights. I tried to read it once, but only got about 40 pages in. Maybe this will be one of the books I finish!

3) Read one book that I've seen the movie that was based off the book. Perhaps Harry Potter. My mom read those to me when I was four or five, but I've never read all the books myself. I figure they must be pretty good if someone bothered to make movies based off them.

This week I read 103 pages of Mindy Kaling’s Is Everybody Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns). This is just the book I needed to get out of my bad habit of not finishing books. Rather than the novels I usually read that tell a story, this book is a collection of essays that are just downright funny. It doesn’t feel like a chore at all to have to read 100 pages of it. I’m confident that I’ll be able to finish this book by next week. It was very different than what I’m used to reading, and I enjoyed it a lot! I would recommend this book to anyone that likes to smile.

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