Friday, February 17, 2012

The Host

Lately I've been skipping around books a lot. I read a little of The Help, a little of Eragon, but I haven't really settled on one book that I really want to read the whole way through. This week, in the depths of my closet, I found a book that I've had for a long time but have been too intimidated by its size to read very much of it. I looked at The Host, Stephenie Meyer's supposed "adult novel".

While Twilight is catagorized as a young adult novel, The Host is listed as an adult novel. Though the novel does have a couple more risqué scenes, the writing seems similarly informal to Twilight. Maybe I'm being overly critical, but Meyer really needs to put down the thesaurus. For some reason, it feels like she uses the word "chagrined" a lot, as she did in Twilight also. Am I the only one thats never really heard that word spoken in real life? Her overly advanced sporatic vocabulary contrasts with the casual informality of the passages.

I must admit though, the plot is far more advanced. Though I'm still in the beginning pages, its evident that this story is a lot more original than Twilight's over done vampire romance. It begins with the struggle of a girl whose body has been taken over by an alien sort of creature. They're both competing to control what is rightfully hers. Amid the confusion of who is actually communicating, the human or the alien, there are also many flashbacks depicting some back story to the situation. The flashbacks fill in some questions, but still leaves the reader wanting to know much more. I'm intruiged with how the story will unfold.

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