Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Podcast Response: The Psychopath Test

For the “This American Life” podcast we were assigned to listen to this week, I listened to a riveting story about the psychopath test, a test that pretty much determines whether or not a person is mentally sound. The cast of This American Life took the test themselves and compared it to scores of real psychopaths. In one segment, they tell the story of Robert Dixon, a prison inmate who, although people say he has behaved quite well in prison, may never receive parole because he scored extremely high on the psychopath test. This is because studies show that prisoners who get parole are more likely to commit crimes again if they scored high on the psychopath test than people that got moderate scores. When the low scoring results of the cast are revealed, it is startling to consider how real people can score so high that they are deemed true psychopaths.

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