Thursday, February 23, 2012

Submission #4

Seal Pup

Behold the ginger seal pup. Although it appears cute and cuddly to a human being, to a seal, this pup is an outcast and a freak of nature. This particular pup is albino. Because of it'd unusually bright blue eyes, pink flippers, and light fur, it's family coldheartedly abandoned it in the middle of the wilderness. It is not only nature, but also our society that insensitively judges creatures by their outward appearances.

To a seal rookery, an albino is an automatic outcast, a pariah in the animal world. Does our own society do this as well? Consider it. There are albino humans. No doubt when they walk down a crowded street, people turn their heads and stare at their white hair, red or violet eyes, and chalky white skin. People judge them. Their appearance holds no reflection of their character, yet people cannot help but to treat them differently. Whether it's albinos, giants, disabled people, or anyone that does not depict normality, society as a whole judges them. Seeing how a family can abandon the poor helpless albino pup puts into perspective how cruel judging by appearances is. Though it seems unjust when it happens in the animal world, people need to realize that it happens just as often in human society.

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